Tata Steel Europe Hybridevent

Live panel discussion on the latest trends in the steel industry

Hybridevent: Let’s talk about the future


  • Strategy & concept
  • Story identification and content
  • Project management and implementation

About the case

2020 brought new challenges for all of us – including the events sector. A customer event originally conceived for our client Tata Steel as a live event for the EuroBlech trade fair in Hanover had to be completely rethought in next to no time, and continually adapted to the latest regulatory requirements. Because of the extreme flexibility of our event concept and the strong bond of trust that exists between us and our client on account of our many years of collaboration, we successfully executed the project despite the difficult circumstances.  

We ultimately opted for a digital hybrid event called “Let’s talk about the future” – a live panel discussion on the latest trends in the steel industry, for which a TV studio was specially built at Tata Steel’s headquarters in Ijmuiden (Netherlands). The event was moderated and hosted from this location, with other steel and business experts from Europe, Asia and USA contributing via video link. More than 300 participants from around the world followed the top-quality discussions on their screens and posed questions to the panel via live chat. A “party pack” was sent out in advance to selected participants to create a symbolic bond between the virtual and physical world and give the event an even more personal feel. The overall concept garnered high regard within the sector for Tata Steel.