Product Launch of the TX5 E-Taxi in Berlin
International event to relaunch an iconic taxi as an e-vehicle
Geely subsidiary, automaker LEVC (formerly LTC), brought us a prime example of that. In 2016, the manufacturer of the iconic black London taxicab presented its first battery-powered taxi, the TX5, in an evolution of its classic garb. The brief was for the product launch in Berlin to address not only a broad spectrum of media representatives, but also decision makers within the sector and lobbyists.
Generating extremely high awareness for this milestone among the various stakeholders within the constraints of a relatively tight budget called for expertise, a lot of creativity and time efficiency. Together with our London-based partner agency, Torque, the about:communication (a:c) team put together a very special sector event in several European countries, under the banner “Tradition meets Innovation”.
about:communication handled all aspects of the project implementation in Germany, from A to Z. Alongside the current theme of urban e-mobility, which was of huge interest to all participants, the task involved creating the perfect setting for the visually redesigned iconic black taxi in a suitable location with complementary lighting, music and event concept. As the location, we selected the Umspannwerk (electricity substation) at Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, which offered us a wide range of setting options with its mix of industrial and modern. The absolute highlight was the conference hall – as is evident from the images.
a:c was able to support LEVC on many levels with its combined automotive and event expertise. As well as coming up with the strategic concept, we also handled the generation of content such as press materials, event brochures and product presentations, the invitations and guest coordination, the location selection and booking, vehicle logistics, organization of press and interview appointments on-the-ground as well as the on-location management and coordination of the entire event.